The first in the infamous series of short Japanese shock films that began back in 1986. Filmed on home video, in an attempt to pass this off as a genuine snuff film, we see a young girl held captive by a group of masked man who then proceed to beat and torture her.
Starting off with the group repeatedly slapping her around the face, complete with a counter in the bottom of the screen showing how many times she's been hit, we're then treated to scenes of them subsequently kicking her around the floor, pulling out her fingernails with pliers, and cutting her skin with various tools and implements.
But her ordeal doesn't end there, as they go on to rub salty water into her wounds, deafen her with loud music and shower her in offal and maggots before scalding her with boiling water and finally gouging her eyes out with long needles in a series of long, protracted events lasting close to 40mins (virtually the films entire running time).
Made solely to cash in on the Japanese's bloody mania for violent gory films, the film is actually rather slow moving, having no plot to speak of, and is not really deserving of all the hype that surrounds it. Most horror fans may be a little bored by this, though the eye gouging scene at the end was kind-of interesting.