Set in Japan, the film starts off with a "Reservoir Dogs" style robbery at a high class jewellers shop. After fleeing the scene with the loot, the gangsters hide out at an apparently disused industrial complex, whilst they await the arrival of their Yakuza employers.
But matters go sour, when an argument breaks out between the gangsters and the Yakuza, which subsequently erupts into a violent shootout. However, what neither side realises, is that the old complex is hiding a top secret government research facility, run by the US Military, and some of their bio-weapons experiments (ie zombies) have broken loose, killed the scientists and are now wandering around the complex.
As the dust settles from the gunfire, the survivors from both sides are shocked to discover they've been surrounded by a large number of hideously deformed people, which don't seem to be affected by gunfire. Thus setting the scene for a series of rather gory pitched battles.
Fortunately, the army have realised something's gone wrong at the complex and have despatched a small, heavily armed squad to pacify the place. But can they survive long enough for help to arrive?
Action packed and full of gore, this is a zombie lovers delight. Horror fans will note the obvious references to other genre films, including "Re-Animator", "Zombie Flesh-Eaters", "The Beyond" and even "Zombi 3". Definitely must see viewing, for anybody who's fed up with modern day Hollywood tat.